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Best labourers Shayari, Status, Quotes, Stories

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  • 18 Stories

Anuj Jain

Theme: Plight of labourers Since the beginning of lockdown the plight of labourers in the country is becoming worse day by day. Keeping in mind their alarming situation collab with Democrats & Dissenters and pen down a #2linestory #yqbaba #DND2linestory #dndlabourersstory #labourers #socialissues #yqdnd #YourQuoteAndMine Collaborating with Democrats & Dissenters

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We are opening the bridge for the labourers so they will have to walk 5 km less.
Breaking news of Minister's benevolent gesture were flashed across the nation.  Theme: Plight of labourers

Since the beginning of lockdown the plight of labourers in the country is becoming worse day by day. Keeping in mind their alarming situation collab with Democrats & Dissenters and pen down a #2linestory

#yqbaba #dnd2linestory #dndlabourersstory #labourers #socialissues #yqdnd  #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with Democrats & Dissenters

Anuj Jain

Theme: Plight of labourers Since the beginning of lockdown the plight of labourers in the country is becoming worse day by day. Keeping in mind their alarming situation collab with Democrats & Dissenters and pen down a #2linestory #yqbaba #DND2linestory #dndlabourersstory #labourers #socialissues #yqdnd #YourQuoteAndMine Collaborating with Democrats & Dissenters

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Papa sorry, she said and collapsed with bleeding feet and empty stomach for the past 5 days.
Arre beta we were just 20 km from our home, he said.
 Theme: Plight of labourers

Since the beginning of lockdown the plight of labourers in the country is becoming worse day by day. Keeping in mind their alarming situation collab with Democrats & Dissenters and pen down a #2linestory

#yqbaba #dnd2linestory #dndlabourersstory #labourers #socialissues #yqdnd  #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with Democrats & Dissenters

राधे राधे


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* मजदूर *
अपना गांव छोड़कर
हम शहर बना रहे हैं
हां हम मजदूर हैं साहब
ओढ़के आसमां की चादर 
फुटपाथों पे सो रहे हैं
पेट की भूख मिटाने को
हम खुद से ही लड़ रहे हैं
बारिश हो या धूप छांव 
दो टूक रोटी के लिए 
हम दर दर भटक रहे हैं
न पांव के छाले देखें 
न हाथों की दरारें
लिए बोझ सिर पे इतना
हम लड़खड़ा रहे हैं 
हां हम मजदूर हैं साहब
बस इसी की सजा काट रहे हैं #labourers

Durga Kannan

Theme: Plight of labourers Since the beginning of lockdown the plight of labourers in the country is becoming worse day by day. Keeping in mind their alarming situation collab with Democrats & Dissenters and pen down a #2linestory #yqbaba #DND2linestory #dndlabourersstory #labourers #socialissues #yqdnd #YourQuoteAndMine Collaborating with Democrats & Dissenters

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Coming so far away from home for survival.
Stuck in no man's land, struggling for basic necessities. Theme: Plight of labourers

Since the beginning of lockdown the plight of labourers in the country is becoming worse day by day. Keeping in mind their alarming situation collab with Democrats & Dissenters and pen down a #2linestory

#yqbaba #dnd2linestory #dndlabourersstory #labourers #socialissues #yqdnd  #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with Democrats & Dissenters

Aamir Qais AnZar

Theme: #Plight of labourers Since the beginning of lockdown the plight of labourers in the country is becoming worse day by day. Keeping in mind their alarming situation collab with Democrats & Dissenters and pen down a 2linestory #dndlabourersstory #labourers #socialissues #MurderStory #मज़दूरीएककहानी #migrantworkers #जमात Collaborating with Democrats & Dissenters Collaborating with Urdu_Hindi Poetry

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ये भी एक जमात है, गरीबी इसकी जात है।
राजनीति के दौर में, इंसानियत को मात है। Theme: #Plight of labourers

Since the beginning of lockdown the plight of labourers in the country is becoming worse day by day. Keeping in mind their alarming situation collab with Democrats & Dissenters and pen down a 2linestory

#dndlabourersstory #labourers #socialissues 
#MurderStory #मज़दूरीएककहानी #MigrantWorkers #जमात 
Collaborating with Democrats & Dissenters 
Collaborating with Urdu_Hindi Poetry

Prem kumar gautam

#labourers #slumarea #poor #Happiness astha Srivastava Jagrati Nagle kayla sobonilla Suman7296 mahi Jangir

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हर बार सिर पर छत हो ये जरुरी तो नही ...
खाली पडे बेलन किसी घर से कम तो नही...

माना कि चमते है बहुत नये बस्त्र...
बोरियों से बना मेरा पायजाना पर कम तो नही...

माना कि आ गए है रोबोटिक खिलोने बाजार मे,
पर ये कागज का हवाई जहाज उस से कम तो नही...

लिख रहे है ipad पर रहिसों के बच्चे,
मेरा गीले रेत के टीलों पर इमला सजाना कम तो नही...

बड़े महगे हो गए है लेना बिजली के कंनेक्शन,
गली के लट्टों के नीचे पढ़े जाना किसी से कम तो नही..

बड़े अलिसान से है आज कल के विद्यालय,
NGO का फ्लाईओवर के नीचे पढ़ाना मगर कम तो नही....

©Prem kumar gautam #labourers
#Happiness  astha Srivastava Jagrati Nagle kayla sobonilla Suman7296 mahi Jangir

Prem kumar gautam

#Majdoorkikahani #slumarea #SocialPoetry #poor #labourers #NGO POOJA UDESHI Sakshi Dhingra Saurabh Srijan Aftab Jagrati Nagle

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