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Tanvi Roy


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Tanvi Roy


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chand shayar Saifi

*झुकाकर सर को बैठे हैं मगर क़ातिल नही आया ...*

*बहुत आए मगर कोई हमारे क़ाबिल नही आया..*


*...✍🏻* #Dreams #shayarilover #Like #Fellow

chand shayar Saifi

तुझे ख्वाबो में पा कर दिल का करार खो ही जाता है,
मैं जितना रोकूँ खुद को तुझसे प्यार हो ही जाता है…


  ...✍️ #shayarilover #Like #Fellow

Anjan mandal

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

#here is the critical appreciation of my poem 'A LOOK AT LIFE-42' by Prof Cijo Joseph Chennelil, eminent poet and internationally acclaimed literary critic in his own words. Thanks and gratitude sir for your wonderful analysis of the poem in beautiful words Dear Smruti Ranjaniji, Your poem titled"A Look At Life-42" is a poem that brings into the forefront the salient features concerning life that we all need to practice in our day to day life.This life is to be a life that must be offered to o

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Here is the critical appreciation of my poem
'A LOOK AT LIFE-42' by Prof Cijo Joseph Chennelil, eminent poet and internationally acclaimed literary critic in his own words. Thanks and gratitude sir for your wonderful analysis of the poem in beautiful words

Dear Smruti Ranjaniji,

Your poem titled"A Look At Life-42" is a poem that brings into the forefront the salient features concerning life that we all need to practice in our day to day life.This life is to be a life that must be offered to others in selfless manner and services.We need to live our lives without expecting any reward from any quarters,we need to shed our desires so that we can be kept away from unhappiness all throughout our lives.If we engage in sharing than receiving in our lives,that can do us a world of good,we are subtly unhappy because we are more interested in receiving than giving freely to our fellow human beings.The funny thing about us human beings is that we are unhappy when we come to know about the happiness of our fellow human beings,this is the most selfish attitude of us human beings.We human beings all throughout our lives think about others,in fact we are so obsessed with what others do,as a result of which we often loose our peace of mind,we humans also have this imitation culture wherein we are so much interested in following others footsteps than having self-confidence attitude regarding our own personalities,talents,abilities and potentialities.If we are not happy about the successes of others,we can't be happy at all at any rate,we should have an open mindset to accept others joy and their successes in life,then only life will be a worthwhile thing indeed.To make matters worse,we live all throughout our lives with an attitude of jealous nature which can be very toxic and poisonous to ourselves in the long run.Let us all drive away our self-centred attitude and then come into the realm of love stock,block and barrel and every step of the way to lead a happy and contented life.Kudos to you for composing such a poem of magnificent nature.

Written by Cijo Joseph Chennelil,The Head of the English Department,Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology Chethipuzha Changanassary Kottayam District Kerala India All Copyrights
 Reserved@ On 15th September 2017.


The beauty of life 
he knows who lives it for others
the feel of charity he feels who
shares his food with another 
and remains hungry as such
the pleasure of giving he relishes
who gives without a condition
expecting nothing in reciprocation

The less you live for yourself
and more for others
the more you live for yourself
your little drops of love, affection
sacrifice and concern go a long way
and fetch you the ocean in return

You are not unhappy as such
you are not happy because you think
others are more happy and that
happiness of others is what disturbs you
makes you unhappy

Most of the life
you live thinking about others
their affluence and achievement
and others are always in your
focus and  agenda
you are so obsessed and preoccupied with others, hardly any time left
for your own development
you compare yourself with others and feel sad
and carry that sadness with you
and distribute it among others
and make them sad
you are more concerned with 
what you do not have and forget the fact that God has endowed you enough  to make you happy and contented
you are not happy as you are
you want to be somebody else

You can not be happy
unless you enjoy others happiness
and fee their pangs of sorrow
you will remain with an agitated mind
and a pair of jealous eyes
till the very end

You live the whole of our life
nurturing jealousy and hatred
which gives you nothing expect
lots of heart burning
pain and mental agony 
you are to think and reassess
for still some time is left
still you have it in you
to make a rich harvest and live
the rest of life with lots of common sense

Live life to the full
let love be your only language
and religion, the whole world your family
be with others in their moments
of happiness and sorrow
the whole world will be yours
you will have that satisfaction, peace
and tranquility of mind
till now eluding your grasp 
a yogi's dream
which a man committed to 
naked self interest
can hardly fathom

copyright@ smrutiranjan12.9.2017 #Here is the critical appreciation of my poem
'A LOOK AT LIFE-42' by Prof Cijo Joseph Chennelil, eminent poet and internationally acclaimed literary critic in his own words. Thanks and gratitude sir for your wonderful analysis of the poem in beautiful words

Dear Smruti Ranjaniji,

Your poem titled"A Look At Life-42" is a poem that brings into the forefront the salient features concerning life that we all need to practice in our day to day life.This life is to be a life that must be offered to o

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

#here is the critical appreciation of my poem 'SOMETHING I LOOK AT-53' by non other than Prof Cijo Joseph Chennelil, eminent poet and Internationally acclaimed lierary critic in beautiful words.Thanks and gratitude sir for your wonderful words of appreciation Dear Smruti Ranjaniji Your poem titled"Something I Look at-53" extols rightly the glory and essence of book reading and its benefits to the yonder sky.Books are to be the constant companions of human beings,they can lead human beings into

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Here is the critical appreciation of my poem 'SOMETHING I LOOK AT-53' by non other than Prof Cijo Joseph Chennelil, eminent poet and Internationally acclaimed lierary critic in beautiful words.Thanks and gratitude sir for your wonderful words of appreciation

Dear Smruti Ranjaniji

Your poem titled"Something I Look at-53" extols rightly the glory and essence of book reading and its benefits to the yonder sky.Books are to be the constant companions of human beings,they can lead human beings into the world of imagination and aesthetic sensibility.When books are given primary importance in the life of human beings,things become more consolidated and firmed up for us,so that we can confront the daily realities of life with enthusiasm,excitement,pleasure and deeper comprehension.An association with books from childhood days can fill us with wonders and manifold positive possibilities.The books can furnish us with so many advantages such as the infusion of a creative mindset,a humane bent of mind,a lovely discerning attitude towards life in general,a compassionate stance towards fellow human beings,a sensitive mentality,a deep-rooted knowledge regarding various issues concerning the society,the acquisition of well-entrenched wisdom,the farsighted inclination towards various matters,the quest to follow the cherished principles of life,the intention to lead an upright life and an orientation towards a life of righteousness.Before all these present electronic gadgets came into the picture,the books had acted as avenues of real knowledge systems of the world.The books also bestow upon us positive vibes,disciplined life and egalitarian vision of life.Today we have everything but the human relationships have taken a beating like never before,the gap between our words and deeds has increased phenomenally,the physical boundaries are reduced but 
the mental barriers have grown in a substantial fashion.Our value system has taken a battering and we reside in a society which gives less importance to the moralities and ethical principles of life because we don't have  comprehensive and holistic accommodative attitude towards the needs of our fellow human beings,still in today's world the books can usher in a world of creative,aesthetic,artistic,imaginative and blissful nature to all of us.Kudos to you for composing such a poem of magnificent nature.

Written by Cijo Joseph Chennelil Associate Professor Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology Chethipuzha Changanassary Kottayam District Kerala India All Copyrights Reserved@ On 7th September 2017.


Books, my love!
my most tangible friend!
you are with me since childhood
never betrayed me once even
stood by me in moments of
joy and despair, agony and apathy
consoling and guiding me to my
ultimate destination with mirth and glee

Non like you
non can be
whenever I am in a fix
I look at you
you have answers to all my 
vexed questions, a panacea to all my ills
you carry truth and wisdom from generation to generation
and guide civilisations to its perfection
you have in you the beauty and fragrance
of the past
the knowledge of mankind, a road map for the present, a vision of the futre
and everything one needs to go ahead
on the path of life
with ease and dignity

When there was no internet, no telivsion
no means of communication and radio 
was a luxury of the few
you were there  providing me with all the knowledge, wisdom and expertise
and instilled the urge in me
to live life to the full with a purpose, love and passion

You nourished me all along
taught me the spirit of tolerance and 
compromise, the value of being good
to oneself and others
and made me what I am
a disciplined man with lots of love
admiration and respect for others
I never fumbled on the way
in the manner I was socialised
the values I inculcated
paved me the way

Today we have all the modern means
of communication and the whole world
at the door step 
but how incomplete and fragile
our socialisation seems to be
the way we were groomed in yester years
with classics like Ramayan and Mahabharat are far different from the
grooming of today's kids with telivision and internet
which is clearly evident from their attitude
towards life, themselves and others
in the midst of electronic gadgets
the human touch of the books
sadly missing and sadly missing is
the simplicity of man, his love 
concern and respect for others

The charm of you knows he
who reads you with love and passion
I will never let you die
my friend! 
you are stil in the heart of my heart
soul of my soul and will be there
till I breathe my last

copyright@smrutiranjan 2.9.2017 #Here is the critical appreciation of my poem 'SOMETHING I LOOK AT-53' by non other than Prof Cijo Joseph Chennelil, eminent poet and Internationally acclaimed lierary critic in beautiful words.Thanks and gratitude sir for your wonderful words of appreciation

Dear Smruti Ranjaniji

Your poem titled"Something I Look at-53" extols rightly the glory and essence of book reading and its benefits to the yonder sky.Books are to be the constant companions of human beings,they can lead human beings into

Tarandeep Singh

Ahmad hussain

खुद अपने से हार गया मैं,
हर लम्हा लाचार गया मैं।

लेकर खाली जेब न जाने,
क्या करने बाजार गया मैं।

खुद ही मैंने बाजी हारी,
वो समझे कि हार गया मैं।

आँख झुकाकर क्या बैठा कि,
वो समझे कि मान गया मैं।

‘तेज’ मैकदे की जद से उठ, 
कब कैसे किस हाल गया मैं।
A.hussain #NojotoQuote #Nojoto#love #fellow #Hindi #sheyri#upset #tanhai#dopalapkesath#quote #poetry #ahmadhussain


If you don't love anybody then you want to get rid of that fellow.. And then there are different kinds of ideas comes in our mind.. How to get rid of that fellow person.. ....

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जला दिया चिंगारियां फिर से वो तूने,
जिसे बुझा दिया था सुलगने से पहले तूने।
क्या इसी बहाने झूठ बोलते हो मुझसे 
संदेश बहुत भेजा था  तूझे,
पर क्या करूं 
पता गलत बता दिया था तूने मुझे।। If you don't love anybody then you want to get rid of that fellow.. And then there are different kinds of ideas comes in our mind.. How to get rid of that fellow person..