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Best Bald Shayari, Status, Quotes, Stories

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  • 13 Stories

Hari Varma

11012021 - 11/365 Why all men's beard grows faster than hair? Just like the race of the Turtle and Hare. Hair gets withdrawn as they grow over time. As man gets wiser and withdraws like a monk. Beard sure grows but is trimmed or shaved. #yqbaba #Bald #writingresolution #365days365quotes #limerick #varmaji #hairandbeard #turtleandhare

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11012021 - 11/365

Why all men's beard grows faster than hair?
Just like the race of the Turtle and Hare.
Hair gets withdrawn as they grow over time.
As man gets wiser and withdraws like a monk.
Beard sure grows but is trimmed or shaved.
 11012021 - 11/365

Why all men's beard grows faster than hair?
Just like the race of the Turtle and Hare.
Hair gets withdrawn as they grow over time.
As man gets wiser and withdraws like a monk.
Beard sure grows but is trimmed or shaved.

Trinayana Roy

Mili had deep auburn waist length hair...The girls in school loved to play with her thick braids...Her mom took great pains in oiling and shampooing the ten year old's mane...Then one day, the whole class was shocked to see her climb down from the school bus sporting a clean shaved head...The reason ? Her best friend Amit was undergoing chemotherapy for cancer and had just rejoined school after a long gap...He was bald these days and some of the boys mercilessly teased him about it...Mili could never stand it and just decided to give him some company... #shave #hair #braid #tease #mane #bald #cancer #YQBaba #YQDiary #YQTales #microtales #shortstory #trinayana #mydiary #randomthoughts #scribbles

Aprajita Jha

June Meme Challenge 22/30 Collab on this Breaking News meme 😀 by Meme Bazaar Post your memes to #membaz102 #memebazaar Make everyone laugh 🙂 #Bald #YourQuoteAndMine #breakingNews #YQMeme #memetime

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I'm Bald 😊😎 June Meme Challenge 22/30

Collab on this Breaking News meme 😀 by Meme Bazaar 

Post your memes to #membaz102 #memebazaar 

Make everyone laugh 🙂

World And Me Talkies

Sunna hai.... maine...bald people are more compared to others.....

:-AK #smart #bald #Attraction

World And Me Talkies

World And Me Talkies

Prasidhi Shrestha

To my ex...

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I regret " Don't leave, don't leave" I yelled as much as i could. I know my shivering voice touched your ears which used to listen to all my secrets without any grumbles but you waved me a devil smile. 
I still remember the smell of perfume when we met last time,you were in blue tshirt and jeans pant always able to take my heart away, a cap on your head to hide your bald head not realising you needed one to hide your bald heart. That was the last time I slept on your chest and listened to your heartbeats not knowing it was the last time i was listening to my favourite song.
Its hard to console my heart that you left because its been alone since the day you proved all the forevers is a lie. I become dumbstruck when loyalty wanders around you, comes to me and says'' If it's infront of him i surrender, i surrender''. To my ex...

Mimmy Chasara

Freedom is experienced in different ways. You even find it from the places and things you least expected. You are left to wonder, what was it exactly about that thing that gave you a sense of release? If you had known much earlier would you have gone and reached for it? But perhaps its wasn’t time, you may have not been feeling ready and that is okay. You don’t have to settle to what is seen to be the norm and much better for you as a person altogether. Or maybe it is just a journey, time to fi

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Freedom  is experienced in different ways. You even find it from the places and things you least expected. You are left to wonder, what was it exactly about that thing that gave you a sense of release? If you had known much earlier would you have gone and reached for it? But perhaps its wasn’t time, you may have not been feeling ready and that is okay. You don’t have to settle to what is seen to be the norm and much better for you as a person altogether. Or maybe it is just a journey, time to fi

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