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Sita Prasad
Your absence The betrayal leaves scars behind, it makes the relationship vulnerable. When you did so, I was lost in the world of love as a ghost. No one could see me cry, No one could feel my pain. Yet I was there with all, living, celebrating, yet fallen. #rztask525 #restzone #rzलेखकसमूह #rzpicprompt4448
#rztask525 #restzone #rzलेखकसमूह #rzpicprompt4448
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प्रकृति का संतुलन हम प्रकृति को भगवान की तरह पूजते हैं, वह शक्तिमान, सर्वोच्च व सर्वव्यापक है, आदि काल से आज तक वह खुद को संभालकर जीवन को सहलाती आई है। प्रकृति ने अपना संतुलन खुद किया है, हम मानव इतने समझदार होते हुए भी, प्रकृति व समस्त जग को समझते हुए भी, इसका संतुलन बिगाड़ने पर तुले हुए हैं। अगर हम इससे कुछ सीखना चाहें, तो बस ज़रा सी खुशी के लिए, महंगा जीवन कभी न माँगें, हम संतुष्ट रहें व सही इस्तेमाल करें उत्पादों का। वर्ना प्रकृति अपना संतुलन खुद बना लेगी, मानव रूपी प्रदूषण को मात दे देगी, न रहेगा बाँस न बजेगी बाँसुरी, जीवन नया अपनाकर प्रकृति अपना मुकाम खुद हासिल कर लेगी । । Picture taken by me. #rztask523 #restzone #rzलेखकसमूह
Picture taken by me. #rztask523 #restzone #rzलेखकसमूह
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Beautiful inside out She accepted the proposal, married a handsome guy, she didn't give up her identity, she wasn't a rebel or shy, her daughter in law was just right, she took care of all well, she was adored by her children, her pals liked her might, when asked about her life, she would say, "I am on a mission! It is to share and care, I know my worth and theirs, who surround me, without whom my happiness isn't there." Sita Prasad #rztask522 #restzone #rzलेखकसमूह
#rztask522 #restzone #rzलेखकसमूह
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Unnecessary battles of thoughts... ( story in the caption) Unnecessary battles of thoughts… ( a short fictional story with fictious names) "My heart is a war zone", I said to myself. Again I had done a blunder, I could not dare to tell that I am hurt. I couldn't think of seeing any kind of pain in her eyes. What would she go through, I know very well. This whole life is a battle ground and my heart always keeps fighting for its respectful sacrifices. "Anil", she started calling me, "Do you hear me? You can't divide my time with your office friends." "
Unnecessary battles of thoughts… ( a short fictional story with fictious names) "My heart is a war zone", I said to myself. Again I had done a blunder, I could not dare to tell that I am hurt. I couldn't think of seeing any kind of pain in her eyes. What would she go through, I know very well. This whole life is a battle ground and my heart always keeps fighting for its respectful sacrifices. "Anil", she started calling me, "Do you hear me? You can't divide my time with your office friends." "
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Music is a blessing (Please find my write up in caption) Music Is Life ******************************************** Music is life, And Life is music. What is life without Music? Will it be the same,
Music Is Life ******************************************** Music is life, And Life is music. What is life without Music? Will it be the same,
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चिराग सा मन मेरा रात चाँद चिराग, बन दमक रहा मन, कह रहा मुझसे, "कतरना ना इस निशा में, कुछ मैंने भी सीखा है, दिन की दहकती रोशनी से"।। #rztask518 #restzone #rzलेखकसमूह #night #poetry #rzpicprompt4429
#rztask518 #restzone #rzलेखकसमूह #Night poetry #rzpicprompt4429
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Krishna Govardhan dhari Such alluring beauty of yours, I just can't take my eyes off, You send chills down my spine, All the negativity just goes off. With the little finger you lifted Govardhan, You played flute standing on a serpent huge, So many demons just lost their lives, Fighting you wasn't their game O! Kanha! Your ways are mysterious, entertaining and beautiful, How you deal with problems is so inspiring, O Radhe! We seek your love to make our hands full, Of your love and presence divine, Make our lives a little beautiful, Let's serve others with hearts open. #rztask515 #restzone #rzलेखकसमूह #krishna #krishnalove #govardhanparvat
Sita Prasad
My roots are spread Whenever someone says, "Where are you from?" That's the second question, often asked though, I say, I am an Indian", My roots are spread, like a Banyan, I am Telugu, but live in Gurgoan, I speak Hindi and Telugu with same passion, I teach English, a foreign language, My reverence for rest nevertheless is the same. #rztask511 #restzone #rzलेखकसमूह #rzpicprompt4399
#rztask511 #restzone #rzलेखकसमूह #rzpicprompt4399
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#girlswedding A woman never feels weak, when she bears a baby, when she has to nurture, she becomes the boldest, to protect her kids, she fights the odds, to help them grow! why is she a liability? when a girl is born, parents start saving, Why is she a burden then? Even in today's world, more for her wedding, Let's not consider, it is but a norm, like any other requirement, than for the education, well being or her interests. wedding as the only option, it isn't the only priority, which makes a place, for you as parents, in a society. #rztask508 #restzone #rzलेखकसमूह
#rztask508 #restzone #rzलेखकसमूह
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बेख़ौफ़ कविताएँ कविताएँ पौधों की तरह होती हैं, जहाँ-तहाँ, कभी भी, कैसे भी पनपती हैं कविताएं पौधों जैसी, जागे हुए या सोये तुम, सपनों में खोये भी। सृजन आप ही मस्तिष्क कर ले, बुन ले किस्से कहानियाँ अनगिनत, एक कवि ढूंढ ले अपनी प्रेरणा, फूल, पत्तियों या देखे शाख बिन सजावट। जीवन की सुन्दर कविता मैं भी लिखना चाहूँ, बन कवयित्री अल्फ़ाज़ो का जश्न मनाना चाहूँ, स्याही मेरी बन तलवार बरसे पाखंड पर, मेरे हृदय की संवेदना किसी का दर्द बयान करे बन ढाल मेरे विचार किसी को संकट से बचाएँ, स्वर्णिम सोच से सद्बुद्धि का विकास हो अपार, मेरे सद्गुरु की गुण- गाण से करूं संसार में प्रचार। जब होगी बेबाक, अति विस्तृत कविताएँ, जिन्दगी आप ही होगी, बेख़ौफ़ और बेफिक्र। । #rztask506 #restzone #rzलेखकसमूह #कविता #कवि
#rztask506 #restzone #rzलेखकसमूह #कविता #कवि
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