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Best Mahatma Shayari, Status, Quotes, Stories

Find the Best Mahatma Shayari, Status, Quotes from top creators only on Nojoto App. Also find trending photos & videos aboutmahatma gandhi my experiments with truth, who led the salt satyagraha movement with mahatma gandhi, mahatma gandhi experiment with truth, short life story of mahatma gandhi in hindi, thoughts of mahatma gandhi in hindi and english,

  • 112 Stories

Matha Korpna

#Mahatma Gandhi

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#good_night #Mahatma #Gandhi said, “The #greatness of a nation and its moral #progress can be #judged by the way its #Animals are treated.”

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White Mahatma Gandhi said,
 “The greatness of a nation and 
its moral progress can be judged by
 the way its animals are treated.”..
now you know why and what

©neelu #good_night #Mahatma #Gandhi said, “The #greatness of a nation and its moral #progress can be #judged by the way its #animals are treated.”


Leveen bose

When India needed Mahatma 
There was British.
When India is ruled by an Indian
We are not in need of Mahatma,
But Mamtas #mahatmagandhi #mahatma #mamta #indian #british

Upare Shyam

Don't be afraid,just pray and says 
to himself i will be ok.... #afraid #inspiration #motivational #mahatma #yqtai #indian #love #life

Sandeep Lucky Guru

हर दिन देखिऐ नए और दिलचस्प बात। #Mahatma #Buddh

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आत्मबोध  की इस अनवरत अनंत 
यात्रा में देह तों बस एक परिधान है।

©Sandeep L Guru हर दिन देखिऐ नए और दिलचस्प बात।
#Mahatma #Buddh

Farookh Mohammad

सालों पहले किसी सिरफिरे ने तीन गोली मार कर खत्म करना चाहा था गाँधी को।
क्योंकि ये अधनंगा फ़क़ीर चुभने लगा था कुछ तथाकथित  ठेकेदारों को।
और देखिए विडम्बना फिर भी वो न मिटा सके उनको और उनके विचारों को बल्कि मजबूरी में ही सही सर उनको झुकाना ही होता है बापू के सम्मान में।
सदियों तक विश्व याद करेगा जब जब कहीं कोई किसी पर अत्याचार करेगा सत्य अहिंसा का कोई और विकल्प नही प्रेम भाईचारे को बनाये रखने जैसा और कोई संकल्प नही।
नमन है बापू आपको 

©Farookh Mohammad #गांधी#Mahatma


Jaidev Joshi

Where there is #Love there is #Life - #Mahatma #Gandhi #GandhiJayanti2020

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Where there is Love
there is Life - Mahatma Gandhi Where there is #Love
there is #Life - #Mahatma #Gandhi


Kavitt Karmamani


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Do not imitate 
the life of Mahatma.  
Instead follow through.  
Then you will 
become a Mahatma. #Mahatma

Shashikant Kendre

आयूष्यात काही ही झाल तरी गांधी नावाच्या मानसाचा हात कधी सोडायचा..नसतो.!!! #बापु #Mahatma #Gandhi ji