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Best Lifepoems Shayari, Status, Quotes, Stories

Find the Best Lifepoems Shayari, Status, Quotes from top creators only on Nojoto App. Also find trending photos & videos abouthappy birthday to the love of my life poem, choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life, to the love of my life poem, a poem for the love of my life, your the love of my life poem,

  • 26 Stories

Tarun Kushwaha

सच के लिए शब्द नहीं 
झूठ अलंकारों से सजा है 
अन्दर कुछ मोम सा पिघल रहा
लेकिन बाहर उजाला खरा है 
ज़िन्दगी में मेरी फूल नहीं पर
उनका बाग हरा भरा है 
इस लौ को भी बुझना है एक दिन 
अँधेरा घना होगा तभी सवेरा नया होगा ||
 #lifepoems #randomwords #yqbaba #yqdidi #yqtarun #yqhindi

Grishma Doshi

I can walk through the past
or just look back and
come up with a poem,
I can fly over the future
or just look forward and
come up with a poem,
poems with regrets and hope
for yesterday and tomorrow,
but when I write about today
reflecting just a few hours back
and thinking nothing, or
maybe about a few hours left
or few hours coming next,
feels like living a day
at times loving a day, and
then letting it go
keeping some moments,
like making a string of pearls
making a string of life with poems. 🧡📙📙🧡
#poems #words #lifewithpoems #diary #lifepoems #thingsthatmakesyou #partofmylife #grishmapoems

Grishma Doshi

કશુંક યાદ ના આવે, કશુંક ભુલાઈ જાય,
રોજ-બરોજની જંજાળમાં ને મન અકળાય.
કશુંક યાદ રહી જાય, કશુંક ક્યારેય ન ભૂલાય,
આટ-આટલીય જંજાળમાં ને મન અકળાય.
છતાંય આ ભૂલાયેલી યાદો
ને યાદ રહેલી ભૂલોના જાળા‌ને
ખંખેરી નાખું એ દરેક ક્ષણે મન હરખાય. 💚💚
#મનનીવાતો #lettinggo #remembering #forgetting #beinghuman #lifepoems #gujaratipoems #grishmapoems

Grishma Doshi

ક્યારેક સમજાવવાની શરૂઆત સમજાવટથી કરવી પડે,
સમજાવટ કામ કરતી થાય ત્યારે વાતની ધીરેથી
શરૂઆત કરવી પડે,
ને વાત સંભળાતી લાગે ત્યારે સારા-નરવાની
રજૂઆત બહુ અઘરી ના પડે,
આ બધીય કવાયતો જરૂરી નથી હંમેશા બીજા માટે કરવી પડે,
જરૂર પડે ત્યારે આપખુદ મન માટેય કરવી પડે. 🧡🖤🖤🧡
#મનનીવાતો #persuingownself #humannature #growingformyself #lifepoems #notsorandomthoughts #gujaratipoems #grishmapoems

Sushma Kumari

Short And Sweet Blog

सुकून की तलाश में 👈. #HindiPoem #trendingpoem poem✍🧡🧡💛 #Lifepoems

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Saroj Bala

Ayushi Agrawal

nojoto #nojotopoem #Admirable #Lifepoems Horror_Stories #lifehorrorincidents #repost #Life #Poetry horrorstories Ashish Rajput Mogili Rakesh Gulshan Rajput Ashik Rajak aman kushwaha

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Kankane Rakhi Surendra

  #relationships #relationshipquotes #lostrelations #relationshipfacts #factoflife #lifelessons #lifequotes #kankanerakhis #Lifepoems #relationshipgoals #relationshipproblems #writersofindia🇮🇳

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